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ICAS Emerging Technology Forum 2025 – Brno, Czech Republic

In 2025, the ICAS Emerging Technology Forum will take place in Brno, Czech Republic. This prestigious event is scheduled for September under the auspices of the Czech Society for Mechanics and will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. It will provide a platform for presenting cutting-edge technological solutions in aviation.

Since Brno is known as a center for technical education and innovation in Central Europe, the event is expected to attract a diverse audience. Participants will include academics, industry leaders, and government representatives. Besides keynote lectures and panel discussions, the program will feature workshops, networking sessions, and presentations of new projects.

Emerging Technology Forum (ETF)

The Emerging Technology Forum (ETF) is a specialized event organized under ICAS. It focuses on presenting the latest trends and technological innovations in aviation. This forum serves as a platform for experts, researchers, and industry representatives to discuss key challenges and opportunities brought by emerging technologies.

ETF is typically held alongside the ICAS Programme Committee meeting, enabling the seamless integration of scientific knowledge into the preparation of major conferences. Topics discussed at ETF include artificial intelligence in aviation, autonomous systems, sustainability, alternative fuels, and new materials for aircraft structures. As a result, the forum helps shape the future of aerospace advancements.

The International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) is a prestigious global organization that actively promotes research and knowledge exchange in aviation and astronautics. It was established in 1957 as a platform for collaboration among scientists, engineers, and experts from academia, industry, and government institutions. Since then, ICAS has continuously supported innovation.

The first ICAS Congress took place in 1958 in Barcelona, Spain. Since that time, the event has been held every two years in different countries, ensuring a truly international presence. Most recently, the 2024 conference was held in Florence, Italy, attracting leading experts from around the world.

ICAS plays a crucial role in connecting cutting-edge research, innovations, and technology with practical applications in the aviation industry. As a result, it significantly contributes to the sector’s development and technological progress. Moreover, ICAS fosters essential partnerships between research institutions, industrial leaders, and regulatory bodies. Consequently, these collaborations lead to more efficient and safer advancements in aerospace technology.