Contact person
doc. Ing. Jiří Hlinka, Ph. D.
+420 541 142 584
Office: A1/0426
Technická 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic
The Aircraft systems and reliability section supports the development of new aircraft systems and focuses on promising technologies that increase the safety and reduce the costs in aviation.
- Safety and reliability analyses of complex systems (aerospace applications) – carrying out safety and reliability analyses of recently designed aircraft systems according to the EASA CS and FAA FAR requirements, and the ESA requirements for space devices. Assessment of functional hazard and aircraft systems. Failure rate estimations.
- Safety and reliability certification analyses of the aircraft systems that are being developed/modernized;
- Safety and reliability analyses of space devices;
- Failure probability estimations of co-systems (using reliability databases);
- Modelling of complex failures.
- Diagnostics – design and optimization of the diagnostic systems in aviation.
- Diagnostic systems design;
- Optimization of the sensors used and their placement;
- SHM (Structural Health Monitoring);
- New aircraft systems – design of new systems/components.
- Power aircraft systems (hydraulic systems, EMA-electro-mechanic components, EHA – electro-hydraulic components);
- Assistance systems for increasing airplane safety (pilot warning/informing in different flight modes);
- RCM maintenance – making maintenance plans for aviation equipment using MSG-3 procedures.
- Aircraft equipment test – Aviation equipment resistance tests in accordance with RTCA/DO-160 requirements.
- Heat resistance tests;
- Moisture resistance tests;
- Operational shock test
Examples of R&D projects
Assistance systems supporting pilot’s right decisions to increase safe operation of small civil airplanes – designing and making assistance systems for small airplanes (the project was supported by the TAČR grant project TA04030510), 20014-2017. The project is coordinated by the JIHLAVAN-airplanes company.
VUT 051 RAY – We were part of a team that designed and made an electrically propelled experimental airplane (the project was supported by the Ministry of Industry and the Trade grant project FI-TI1/061), 2009-2013. The airplane development was coordinated by the Institute of Aerospace Engineering. As for the aircraft systems, the employees of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering were dealing with: design and production of experimental airplane systems (airframe electric system, Pitot-static system, instruments, etc.), electric propulsion systems tests, licences for flight approvals (in cooperation with CAA – Civil Aviation Authority).
VUT 001 Marabu – The design and production of an experimental airplane (the project was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade grant project FI-IM3/041), 2006-2009. The airplane development was coordinated by the Institute of Aerospace Engineering. As for the aircraft systems, the employees of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering were dealing with: design and production of experimental airplane systems (electrical system, Pitot-static system, fuel distribution system, instruments, etc.), including licences for flight approvals (in cooperation with CAA – Civil Aviation Authority).
VUT100 Cobra – The development of a small sport airplane (the project was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade grant project FI-IM/038), 2004-2006. As for the aircraft systems, the employees of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering were dealing with: Safety and reliability analyses of the individual aircraft systems (e.g. avionic electronical system, electrical system, etc.).
EV-55 Outback – The development of a small utility aircraft (the project was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade grant projects FI-IM/039, FI-IM4/041), 2004-2015. The project was coordinated by the EVEKTOR Kunovice company. As for the aircraft systems, the employees of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering were dealing with: Safety and reliability analyses of the individual aircraft systems (e.g. electrical system, instruments, trim control system, etc.).
Aircraft hydraulic system diagnostics and its application in the aircraft operation – 2006-2008. The project was coordinated by JIHLAVAN a.s., supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade grant project FT-TA3/033. The employees of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering were dealing with: design of tools for diagnostics and for testing the sample hydraulic system.
PNUR – Pneumatic accelerator for UAV take-off (unmanned aerial vehicle), 2009-2011. The project was coordinated by AFADMTI (Air Force and Air Defence Military Technical Institute), supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade grant project FR-TI1/090. The employees of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering participated in the construction design of the device and testing.
CESAR – „Cost Effective Small AiRcraft“ (2006-2009), the project 6.RP EU. The project was coordinated by VZLÚ a.s. (Výzkumný a zkušební letecký ústav) in Prague, the consortium was formed by 39 organizations from 14 countries. As for the aircraft systems, the employees of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering were dealing with: Safety and reliability analyses of the individual aircraft systems for the design of the diagnostic system, functional hazard assessment of the diagnostic system risks and estimation of the diagnostic system fault frequency.
ENFICA-FC – „Environmentally Friendly Inter City Aircraft powered by Fuel Cells“ (2006-2009). The project was coordinated by the Italian university of Politecnico di Torino. As for the aircraft systems, the employees of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering were dealing with: Concept definition of ensuring airplane propulsion system safety and reliability. Functional hazard assessment.
PPLANE – „Personal Plane” (2009-2012), the 7.RP EU project. The project was coordinated by the French aerospace lab ONERA. As for the aircraft systems, the employees of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering were dealing with: Requirements for the future small airplanes concerning safety and reliability. WP-Leader for „Safety and Security“.
- Software for safety and reliability analyses including software for reliability prediction analyses (Reliasoft BlockSim FTI, RELEX Markov, …) and operation/test data evaluation (Reliasoft Weibull++, RGA)
- Large databases of the component reliability and prediction modules (RIAC Automated Databook – NPRD-2011C, FMD-97CD, EPRD97-CD, VZAP-95C; RAC PRISM; SRC SPIDR; RELEX Part libraries; RELEX Telcordia SR-332; MIL-HDBK-217F; NONOP-1; NSWC 98/LE1; Chinese GJB/Z 299B; FIDES Guide 2009).
- Our own software tools for making the maintenance programmes according to the MSG-3 requirements.
- Climatic chamber ESPEC ARS-0680 with working space of 680 l (allows heat or moisture resistance testing according to the RTCA/DO-160 for instruments and aircraft equipment)
- SMC PneumaCAD , SMCT Pneumatics Computer Aided training