A new KiNG competition knows its winners. Project of the IAE´s PhD students is among them!
Total of 142 projects were submitted during the first round of the new BUT´s internal grant competition for the PhD students. A five-member team formed out of IAE, IPE and DITS (FIT) students, finished on the overall 6th place with the project: „BUTCube – small satellite technology demonstrator development“. The team will join the top 29 supported projects evaluated in panel A.
The aim of the two-year project is to design and to develop a test unit of the CubeSat-class satellite. Plastic 3D print of the satellite´s structural parts, prototype testing and scientific mission proposal are also objectives of the project. BUTCube is the very first CubeSat´s development project on BUT. Start of the project is set on 1. 2. 2021
More information about KiNG competition may be found on the faculty´s website.
The Internal Grant Competition is implemented under the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, within the project Kvalitní interní granty VUT (KInG VUT); reg. number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016948
Interní grantová soutěž je realizována v rámci projektu OP VVV s názvem Kvalitní interní granty VUT (KInG VUT), reg. číslo: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016948.
CubeSat NASA CubeSat ESA