
Chicken Wings

Today, Chicken Wings BUT is actively preparing for its next competition, tackling a new set of engineering and logistical challenges. To succeed, the team is working tirelessly to refine aircraft designs, improve performance, and push the boundaries of student-driven innovation.

New Addition: Piper PA28-181 Archer III

The Institute of Aerospace Engineering has expanded its fleet with a new Piper aircraft. The university acquired it in response to the increasing interest in the Professional Pilot program.


At the turn of 2024/2025, the Director of the Aeronautical Institute took over the FNPT II simulator from ELITE Simulation Solutions AG. The simulator was successfully certified on 12.02.2025.

Online Lecture: Application of CFD on Flow Simulations

Online Lecture: Application of CFD on Flow Simulations Institute of Aerospace Engineering invites you to a hosted online lecture on the topic of flow calculations using the finite volume method, numerical computations and comparison of numerical and analytical solutions. The lecture is going to take place on March 25, 2022, at 9:00 in room B3 / 209 or online at MS Teams.

Online Lecture: Introduction to Flow Simulations with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Institute of Aerospace Engineering invites you to a hosted online lecture on the topic of flow calculations using the finite volume method. The lecture is going to take place on March 18, 2022, at 9:00 in room B3 / 209 or online at MS Teams. The lecturer is Assoc. Prof. Amra Hasečić, PhD.

Hodonin tornado – orthophoto for first responders

We have mapped area hit by the F4 tornado less than 24 hours after the catastrophe. We delivered the results to first responders.

KiNG competition knows its winners. Project of the IAE´s PhD students is among them!

A new KiNG competition knows its winners. Project of the IAE´s PhD students is among them! Total of 142 projects were submitted during the first round of the new BUT´s internal grant competition for the PhD students. A five-member team formed out of IAE, IPE and DITS (FIT) students, finished on the overall 6th place […]

Maiden flight of VUT 714 FDM

We have performed a successful maiden flight of a first completely 3D-printed unmanned airplane developed at IAE


We hosted 13th Research and Education in Aircraft Design and 14th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education international conferences.

First place for our students

IAE students won an international New Flying Competition in Hamburg.

ADAAC meeting

We hosted a successful ADAAC progress meeting with partners arriving from VUT, GEAC and ESA.

Nabízíme práci

Hledáme kolegyni nebo kolegu na pracovní pozici konstruktér-výpočtář

Jet engine tests

We have successfully finished certification tests of a small jet engine.


We would like to invite you to a co-located 13th READ & 14th EWADE conference organised by our institute in November 2018

EDEC Kick-off meeting

Kick-off meeting Enhanced Diesel Engine Control project took place in Brno, 7th and 8th June 2017.

GE Aviation Challenge

We have organized another successful student competition. This time with GE Aviation Czech.

Interesting wing load test

We deploy digital image correlation measurement approach to wing load testing

Unique measurement campaign

In our wind tunnel, we measure specimen vibrations with the help of digital image correlation

Workshop with Dr. Scholz

IAE organized a 2-day event focused on AFC and PIV

Tests of Mars-bound switches

We have finished testing of bread-board switch samples manufactured by AeroSEKUR.

Zodiac Aerospace Challenge

We have organized a successful structural design competition focused on sandwich panels

We flew C172T over to Friedrichshafen

Our employees transported C172T to Aero Friedrichshafen on April 16.

Graduation ceremony in Japan

Our alumni Vilém Skarolek has successfuly finished doctoral studies at Yokohama National University, JP

Successful cryogenic test

We have carried out a verification test of the vacuum thermal chamber for simulating the outer space environment.

Cessna 172T Maiden flight

C172T with the new turboprop engine TP100 made its maiden flight on 31st October 2015 at the Jihlava airport.

Merit award given to an assistant professor Daněk

Our magnificent teacher doc. Ing. Vladimír Daněk, CSc. has been given a merit award.

Air-dropped rabies vaccine

We are participating in the air-dropped rabies baits vaccination to eradicate fox rabies.

We help to win

We support Martin Sonka to attack best scoring in the Red Bull Air Race.

Succesfull IAE students

IAE students were succesfull at the Air Cargo Challenge competition.

GameBird maiden flight

A new aerobatic aircraft Game Bird GB-1 has performed its maiden flight on July 20. IAE contributed with material testing.

VUT 081 Maidened

VUT 081 Kondor airplane has performed its maiden flight at Ostrava on March 12

UAV recovery system unveiled

We have developed a revolutionary recovery system for drones.

SPARTAN TR3B system test

On September 08, 2014 the first live firing test of the SPARTAN took place.

INVASION Kick-off meeting

Kick-off meeting for the "Detection and monitoring of invasive species using unmanned aircraft" project has been held on 3/9/2015.

VUT 051 Ray Maiden Flight

VUT 051 Ray electric powered aircraft has performed its maiden flight on 20 August 2014.

VUT 061 Turbo

VUT 061 Turbo aircraft has performed its maiden flight at Jihlava Airport on August 13.